Age Defying Workouts: A Health and Fitness Program for Baby Boomers

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Healthy Aging Experts Grant and Diane Hernden present their newest health and fitness program designed exclusively for men and women over 50.

This proven exercise program will help you stop being afraid of getting older and not being able to do the things you love to do. Plus, learn how to use exercise and healthy eating to prevent chronic diseases like cancer, stroke, heart disease, type-2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Aging doesn’t “just happen.” Physical and mental decline happens prematurely because of inactivity and poor lifestyle choices.

The good news? It’s never too late to start. Be active without nagging injuries or pain; travel with endless amounts of energy; sleep more deeply; and, never again say “I can’t do that” to your children and grandchildren.

Visit to learn more and get started today.
