Best Nutrition For Women II Healthy diet for Women II Gut Health II خواتین کے مسائل

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Women needs more nutrients than men. The different nutritional needs is due to the male and female hormones.
Many working women face iron deficiency because of the blood lose during menstruation. Also it is difficult for them to have a proper meal during the work time. So it is important include meat, fish and poultry in the regular diet. Vegetarians can consume Spinach, kidney beans, black beans, lentils, split peas. These are high in iron source.
Deficiency of Iron or vitamins show particular symptoms or there will be changes in your body. So women have to be very careful in observing the changes in the body. Instead of neglecting these, understand why it is happening. For example iron deficiency may lead to anaemia, tiredness etc. Deficiency of Vitamin B 12 may lead to tingling effect in hands and feet, irritability or depression. This is the time you have to consult your doctor and take the supplements.
To make sure that you get all the nutrition, you have to include fruit, vegetables, quality protein, healthy fats in your food. Make sure you add ample amount of probiotics in your diet for your gut health. Yogurt is considered as a food for gut health
There is not wellness formula other than eating a balanced diet and nutrient rich foods.
Best nutrition for women and Most important vitamins for women are iron. Calcium, folic acid, b12 and probiotics.
A women should be adding Healthy Foods and Healthy Snacks in the diet so that she doesn’t suffer from any kind of deficiencies. Healthy Diet for women is extremely important because women’s health is the cornerstone of the family

Link for hair falling /hair thinning foods:

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