🌿► "Stomach Health" Siberian Monastery Herbal Tea – How does that natural remedy work?

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► Siberian Monastery Tea for Stomach Health – How does that organic remedy work?🌿

Why is it so effective? Let’s discuss its composition. It includes healing herbs gathered in the ecologically cleanest regions of our planet. Each plant beneficially influences the body.
They normalize hyperacidity, stimulate gastric mucosa regeneration functions, improve metabolism and digestion processes.
It produces astringent, tanning and analgesic actions. Not only does it help overcome the symptoms, but also the causes of digestive diseases.
🍵Milfoil flowers
Thanks to their high content of phytoncides and vitamin C milfoil flowers are a powerful remedy against gastro-intestinal, liver and kidneys diseases. The hemostatic properties of its juice are used in stopping internal bleeding.
🍵Low cudweed
Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are helpful in curing ulcer diseases, gastritis and other stomach disorders. This plant and its preparations stimulate intestinal motility and produce wound-healing effects.
🍵Brandy mint
It is included into the group of spasmolytics, antiemetic agents and preparations to cure functional digestive system disorders. By increasing the digestive secretion, it restores appetite. In addition, this plant is valued for its capability to remove pain sensations and significantly relieve the general body state during acute conditions.
🍵Bottle brush
Bottle brush preparations are recommended in case of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, bladder stones, hypertension, hepatitis and stomach ulcer.

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