Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

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What is it?

The other day I woke up and, suddenly, I felt a pain in my lower back. So much pain, that it was difficult to get out of my bed. I was literally creeping myself out. It was painful when sitting, lying; even when sneezing or coughing. It got me wondering, what could have cause that sudden low back pain? After all, I did not fall or hit my back, so some other thing triggered that pain.

What are the causes?

Lower back pain can be caused by many different things for example:

– pressure on a nerve in the spine

– misalignment of the vertebrae

– poor posture

– soft mattress

– past falls

– knots in the back

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What are the complications?

Complications of lower back pain can include difficulty to function well in your daily routine.

Some complications may include:

– Hernia on a disk

– Bone in the spine that is pressed on a nerve

– Surgery

How to treat and how to prevent?

There are different methods to treat lower back pain. It all depends of the level of severity. If you suffer from back pain, you might want to consider the following:

1- An injection may act to release lower back pain fast. I don’t know about you, but injections kind of freak me out! Once my lower back was hurting tremendous, but still, I opted for some pain relieve medication instead. 🙂

2- Stretching and strengthening exercises could definitely help your lower back pain. Again, it depends what is causing that pain. Exercise to strengthen the core might help ease back pain. Also, you might want to think to strengthen the abdominal area too. You exercise in symmetry, back and abdomen.

Moreover, I have heard that if you have a strong ab, it will help the back. This could also prevent lower back pain to arise. I reiterate, if your lower back pain is due to a strain or muscle spasm, you should seek a qualified physician. Although, exercise could help. If your lower back pain is due to another issue, like spine issues, you will need to be very cautious about exercise.

3- Pain-relief medication (anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxants)

4- Corrective support for the lower back. If you experience lower back pain, utilizing a corrective support may help you to keep your back straight. Sometimes, lower back pain is also caused by not sitting up right, which causes, in some cases, the back to be in the form of an arch.

5- Massages

If you suffer from lower back pain. Depending on the gravity of the pain, sometimes, a good massage could help. You might know that lower back pain can be caused from tension of other parts of the body.

The other day, I had lower back pain and decided to get a massage. I had too many knots into the gluteus maximus “glutes” muscles. Those knots in the “glutes” were causing my lower back pain. So, in order to release my lower back pain, those knots had to be gone. After massaging and breaking those knots, my “glutes” were in pain for about 3 days. As a result, it really did help my lower back pain, though.

6- Qualified Chiropractic doctor.

How to prevent lower back pain? 

I try to workout on a regular basis. Then, I perform some stretches. I find that when I workout out, it really strengthens my body, and I have less aches. 🙂

If you constantly suffer from lower back pain, perhaps it is good to visit a qualified doctor. Maybe, he/she will be able to find out what is triggering that pain.Visit our site for more update.

Stay fit and healthy! 🙂